Lindsay Lohan Hospitalized with Incurable Virus


Lindsay Lohan Hospitalized with Incurable Virus?!?

Noooo! Poor Lilo. A few weeks ago Lindsanity vowed not to let the rare and incurable Chikungunya virus she had contracted stop her but Lindsay Lohan Hospitalized with Incurable Virus!

Lindsay Lohan was hospitalized in London after she got so sick she could no longer walk, has learned.


Lohan posted photos from a vacation in Bora Bora and wrote in the captions about her illness, saying she was feeling better, writing:


“Still with chikungunya but feeling better on and off @patrickaufdenkamp @oprah thank you for your call #beherenow”

 But the recent report indicates she has taken a turn for the worse.

According to TMZ, Lohan is in the King Edward VII‘s Hospital due to a fever and intense joint pain.

Chikungunya has no cure, and treatment mainly focuses on relieving symptoms.