Robin Williams Protected ALL His Kids For Life


Robin Williams Protects ALL His Kids For Life

The world lost a great comic on Monday, but his children lost a loving father and friend, but before William left our world Robin Williams Protected ALL His Kids For Life! has learned that Robin Williams protected his children by creating a trust, but his children will get their money in three installments. Williams wanted to make sure his kids didn’t squander their inheritance money when they were young.

We got the tip via TMZ who obtained Robin’s 2009 trust that explains that his kids, 22-year-old Cody, 25-year-old Zelda and 31-year-old Zachary received money … but in steps.

When each turned 21 they got 1/3 of the share. When they turned 25 they got half of what remained. When they turned 30 they each got their full share.

The trust was not dependent on Robin’s death. The kids received their money, although Cody and Zelda have not been paid in full because of their age.

We do not know how much money was in the trust. We’re told Robin had a significant amount of money outside the trust and his current wife, Susan Schneider, will almost certainly receive a significant amount.

As for how much Robin was worth … there were estimates approaching $130 million in 2012. But in 2013 Robin did an interview saying he was on the verge of bankruptcy because of his 2 costly divorces.

Robin said at the time he was selling his $35 million estate to become solvent again.

This type of living trust is what we are used to hearing and should be a staple way for many celebrities. If more celebrity kids were to get their money in three stages they might have a better lookout on life and having to work instead of demanding ridiculous things at 16.  Celebrity Kids need some type of structure if they’re going to inherit their parents riches. This is what old money does and that is why old money keeps their money.

New money never seems to understand that concept.
